Sunday, July 28, 2024

Ash & Cinder


Ash and Cinder Markings

The Pentagram flared, powered by the soul of one of the promised.  The Ashen Clergy assembled in the summoning chamber, beginning their prayers while they waited for the Elven Druid Wo'Kish to arrive and name which of The Promised had failed.  The Ashen were still praying when The Contract Devil appeared , the pentagram’s magic holding the Devil in place.  To The Ashen’s surprise two more devils appeared in the Summoning circle, a barbed creature and a glaive wielding devil with a writhing beard.  The devil’s seethed in anger waiting to punish whom-ever had trapped them in the Pentagram.  

I've got the details right here
Wo'Kish entered the chamber in a rush.  It took all of the elf’s discipline to master his adrenaline and carefully speak the word of binding Cothar had taught him.   The Devils calmed upon hearing the word of power and awaited their Caller’s terms.   Wo'Kish invoked The Order’s ancient Pact; the Contract Devil immediately recognizing the ancient terms.  

“Bathanon The Promised  has failed in his contract and the target has survived.” Intoned the Druid

“The Soul of The Promised has paid our price.” The devils replied.

“Then go now and revenge our broken promise, our order must be avenged.” Wo'Kish ordered

“Where does your vengeance lie?” the thirteen clergy inquired.

“The Minions of Virtue of must die!” The last sentence reverberated in the chamber , the voices of the clergy, devils and druid entwined. 

Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Passage


Despite its underground nature, The Passage is well lit, with permanent magical lanterns and high arched cubbies aglow with magical raidance. There are long areas of shadow and frequently a visitor will encounter areas that light does not seem to enter. 

The Way Station
The Chamber of Deeds

The White Stair
The Labyrinth


Whasban's Comforts and Whimseys

The Whasban Family

The Drowning Flagon

Theeneche's Chamber
The Free Zone


The Lost Den of Altather

Altather Giant Blooded Ancient

Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Tombstone (Stone Dome)


Standing 6'5,  the Oread known as Tombstone cuts an impressive figure. The mention of his name is enough to make most residents of Griffoncrest fearful.  He tends to be his own enforcer so when he shows up somewhere unannounced, its usually bad news for those present. He is usually found at the Stone Dome entertainment complex. 

Adim is an abnormally tall halfling standing some 5'0 tall. Adim handles most day to business for Tombstone and is said to have connections in Verik Ny. Adim has a good reputation in Griffoncrest. He is viewed to be reasonable and more importantly lives up to his word. Adim is usually found at Frank's in the smallfolk ward.  He is known to have a fondness for cinammon. 

Tombstone's Stone Dome


The Stone Dome at Night

Davian Creel
Byron Molydeus


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Battlelord Urnoch Sons Tinick & Tiald The Legion

Battlelord and Commander of Legion Regiment Glory


Tiald Wizard

Tinick Samurai



Jyina and Nyiae

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Bee Farm and Silos



 Bee Farm

Little Foot Orchard

Valexis Lightgem

Atem Asar



Souless Dwarf



Griffoncrest and Bricknest Tower

Bricknest Tower 1


Bricknest Tower 2

Desalination plant

Griffoncrest Namesake


Rousam Kane

Axel Walker 

Warden Zacheraih (snirk)

Ombar Osust Omhat

Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Ferryman League of Tier Ne Somenhiem


The Ferryman League of Tier Ne Somenhiem

Baron Sambrial Zarl IV (Eye Member)

Tristor Von Kreighton

Pragidore Ellington

Ickarth Hassis

Eversin Lawson