Friday, August 30, 2024

Something From Nothing


Macil Stradivarius

Macil and his spouse had departed from the Zephyr, the shielding spheres protecting them from the harsh environment of crystal that the Oracle had predicted would be found here. For the first time The Zephyr risked travelling into the void in search of a vital element of grounding for the elves new home. Macil would utilize his great magical skills to extract the proper crystal prisms while Lysa guarded them with her great elven curved blade, an ancestral weapon of enormous power. 

Lysa Stradivarius

Macil and Lysa Enter the Crystal Cave
Crystal Caves

                                                                                                                                                                      The tentacles moved unseen through the shadows of crystal, Macil, his concentration focused on the magic he was weaving, Lysa's attention on any dangers coming from without. Macil's magic a mental delicacy the creature found irresistable.  With a sudden strike the tentacles latched onto Macils forehead, crystals shattering as the creature burst through. To Lysa's horror she realized she could not save her husband's life and resolved to saving his consciousness for the elven people.  Drawing on the power of her blade, she drove the wicked edge through tentacles and her husband, her love and his consciousness flowing into the blade as his lifeblood spilled upon the foreign land.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
Not many realize the power it takes to bring sound to the void, to create something from nothing. The Elves called it The Miracle.  The enemy hated the sound, had no real concept of it.  It was years before the elves realized their enemy’s communications were telepathic.  What the elves heard as beautiful sound, their enemies heard that same beauty as a threat to the void they dominated.  The elves were shocked when their enemy chased them from the void…what had they released?

1 comment:

  1. The Wizard Mosquund and his bodyman Boztin are in Naper's Dawn. Mosquand is behind the current creation of mortadalis. He often causes disadvantage
