Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Souls of the Fallen

He comes in the winter, compassion and trust
He dances in spring with your love and your lust.

He calls in the summer and serve him you must
He withers in autumn, you save him from dust.

Your father, your mother, your lover, your child
His son, his daughter, his minion beguiled.

And now that you've offered your life and your soul
He'll drag you to ruin and swallow you whole.

Fraz-Urb’luu’s typical follower honors him voluntarily. It’s not enough to just be able to change shape or lie; a true follower of Fraz-Urb’luu actively works against the structures of law and good, and any such actions can fall in line with his plans.Fraz-Urb’luu is the patron of illusionists and tricksters. His cultists specialize in deceiving others into worshiping the demon lord and (ultimately) into sacrificing themselves to him.

Any creature could secretly be a follower of Fraz’Urb’luu—that’s the point. His worshippers disguise themselves as something else, pretending to be ordinary paladins or barbarians or shopkeepers so they can work out of the spotlight. Typically “smart” creatures like mind flayers, beholders or Rakshasa are often found to be members of Cults of Deception   
Fraz-Urb’luu prefers minions that play to his strengths of deception, seduction, and treachery. Succubi are one of his favourite tools, as are the sinister lilitu. He also commands a large number of chaotic evil rakshasas known as the Hollow Rajahs. 
Fraz-Urb’luu’s cults are known as the Cults of Deception. A typical cult consists of a dozen of so members, most of which have at least a few levels of cleric. Posing as benign sects of obscure deities, these cultists seduce and trick people into joining their ranks and offering their unknown worship to Fraz-Urb’luu. These poor folk are doomed the moment they join a cult, for eventually they are sacrificed or goaded into sacrificing themselves. These poor deluded souls inevitably find themselves the eternal prisoners of Fraz-Urb’luu in his mighty city of Zoragmelok on Hollow’s Heart. 

Two Books found in the library:

Call of the Void': A strange tome written in an unknown language. Attempting to read it causes headaches and dizziness. 

Sojourner in the Sunless Waste, an account of journeys into the Shadow Plane.

Ghaust List of Books: 

Alchemy of the Flesh': A dark green tome describing how to use a plethora of humanoid viscera and organs to enhance your potions.

Rules of Death': Written by Goxor the Soulkeeper, the book instructs readers on the basics of Necromancy. While it was originally used as a textbook for Labiatar’s Hope, it was swifty banned after a student had killed several people using an experiment from the book.

Orders of the Underworld': This book was written by Craushis the Nightmare, a wizard priest of an ancient cult known as Creed of the Night. 

The Tome of Fiends': an ancient tome written by the now dead god Creator of the fiends. It contains the real name of every Demon Lord and Archdevil that exists, allowing its owner to summon them. All of them are bound to obey by the power of the tome. Thus making its owner the Lord of Fiends. Its language can only be understood by archfeys, celestial, demon lords and archdevils, and each faction has been fighting over it for centuries as gaining control of all fiends, even for fiends themselves, is a huge power. Fortunately it has stayed on the Material Plane and has always belonged to a mortal guardian.


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